The Travelers

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 6: Goodbye London!

(we haven't had internet connection for a few days so this post is a little delayed...)

Thursday morning we got a bus back to London and went to find the Heale’s London house. Their home was amazing, yet again. From there we took the tube to check out the British Museum- so much stuff (that England has “acquired” throughout its history of conquest)! For dinner we met up with one of Andrew’s friends he met in Argentina- a nice British guy named Aaron. After a great noodle dinner he took us to a lively Cuban nightclub in some converted horse stables. When we got back to the Heale’s house we met the oldest daughter, Agi, and her boyfriend and chatted with them for a bit before bed.

Woke up EARLY this morning to make it to Heathrow (with plenty of time to spare). No one loves an early morning airport run more than Allyson!

Travel Blunder: (a day late)- When getting on the bus in Bath to take us back to London, we went to check in at the bus terminal. The attendant asked where we were getting off. We replied, “Earl’s Court”. The attendant looked at us, looked at the packs on our backs, and simply said “No, you’re not”. Apparently because Earl’s Court isn’t a station stop we weren’t allowed to bring any luggage with us! Not really an option for us. We explained that we really needed to get back to London and he said that we could plead our case with the bus driver. After a few minutes, the attendant came and found us and sheepishly explained that he was wrong, the rules had changed, and that we were perfectly allowed to travel with our bags.

Culture Shock: British homes (from what we’ve seen) don’t have toilet paper holders mounted on walls. It is typically just sitting somewhere on a counter, never in the same place twice.

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