The Travelers

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 2: More London

Today we explored London on foot, 8 miles of on foot to be exact! We went to the Tower of London and saw the Crown Jewels, then walked down the Thames to see the London Bridge… (funny story- we walked right past it without even realizing. Note: The London Bridge really isn’t that special). Took the tube to Westminster and saw Big Ben, the Parliament buildings, Westminster Abby, The Churchill War Rooms Museum (it was awesome- thanks Mama Tight!), Buckingham Palace, and St. James Park. After 7 hours of exploring we decided we still hadn’t had enough of London so we walked back to our flat in Kensington… not as close as it looked on the map. Made it home safely after 9 hours out on the town!

You math geeks out there may have noticed that it took us 2 hours to walk home at the end of the day. That’s what happens when you give Andrew the map. He doesn’t get us lost, he just happens to avoid the most direct routes.

Travel Blunder: Abigdon Villa and Abigdon Road are not the same thing. Realizing that before thinking you know your way home might be a good idea.

Culture Shock: “Bacon” in England means “large, limp, uncooked slab of pork fat”. Yum?!

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