The Travelers

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 41: Madrid and Goodbye

We only had a few hours in Madrid and we didn’t do too much. Allyson needed a nap after our late night yesterday so we really only made it out for dinner. Tomorrow morning we head back to the airport so Andrew can fly back to San Francisco and Allyson can meet up with her group for Granada.

We have had the most amazing trip and cannot believe that 6 weeks have flown past. We had been so many places, done so many things, and made so many memories. Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible for us- we will remember it for the rest of our lives!

Gourmet Moment: We wanted to make sure the last meal of our trip was a good one so we asked at our hotel for suggestions. The concierge told us about a famous restaurant nearby that is supposedly the oldest restaurant in the world! It is called Botin and was founded in 1725- we couldn’t resist. Andrew wanted to take Allyson out for an early birthday dinner so we decided to go for it. The dining room was in the cellar and it was all very romantic. We ordered some sangria, started with gazpacho, and then had breaded veal (Allyson) and sirloin steak (Andrew). Besides the amazing meal at the restaurant near Florence, this was the best food of the trip!

Day 37-40: Rome (just a bit overdue…)

Rome kept us super busy and we had spotty internet connection so here is our belated post.

We arrived in Rome Monday afternoon and set out to explore right away. Family friend Sam Foster gave us a list of tips with restaurants and city advice for all of Italy and he had a lot to say about Rome. We followed his directions to a hole-in-the-wall deli that turned out to be closed. When we decided to head to the city center instead we realized that we were so far out of the way that we weren’t even on our map! After asking several semi-helpful Romans we found our way back to civilization. We eventually settled for pizza and a Coke in a little square that turned out to be delicious. That afternoon we stopped by the Trevi Fountain and visited the Spanish Steps that night.

On day two we decided the only way to really do Rome would be to take a walking tour. We found one with a student discount that took us to the Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, and the Coliseum. Talk about history! Unfortunately our guide was awkward and pretentious so we didn’t get as much out of the tour as we had hoped. Still, it was a great way to visit many of Rome’s historical sites.

That evening we decided to do a pub crawl, hoping to meet more people to hang out with while in Rome. We met some girls from Argentina who helped us practice our Spanish, and Andrew saved a Finnish girl’s birthday (ask him for details!). Overall, a good night- would have been a great night but see “Moment of Misery” below.

Wednesday was a lazy day. We left the hotel without a plan and eventually found some ruins that we had heard a lot about. Hundreds of years ago there was a rat infestation in Rome so the emperor ordered 1,000 cats to be brought into the city as pest control. Now there are colonies of stray cats who live in many of the ancient ruins. The most populated one is the Area Sacra di Largo Argentina where about 100 cats have settled. They are all fixed, vaccinated, and fed by volunteer organizations in Rome. Allyson was in cat heaven! When we’d had enough of the cats we walked over to the Vatican City and made reservations for the following day to go to the Vatican Museum. The man in the tourism office told us that if we made reservations for 8am the next morning we would get to enjoy the museum with very little company. That night we made our way back to what had become our favorite hang out, Piazza Navona, where we had dinner and watched the street performers.

Thursday was our last full day and we dedicated it to the Vatican. Allyson started reading Angels and Demons and was loving being in the places she was reading about. The tourism had been right about the 8am reservations- the regular ticket office doesn’t open until 9am so we had an hour to wander the empty halls of the Vatican museum. We headed straight for the Sistine Chapel where we sat and admired it with just 5 other people. It was magical! One of our best decisions this trip. We rented audio guides and spent the next three hours looking at the rest of the Vatican’s enormous collection. The audio guide tour took us back to the Sistine Chapel, which at that point was packed shoulder to shoulder with sweaty tourists. We ended in St. Peter’s Basilica and after admiring the amazing architecture we say down on one of the few pews and read our Kindles for a bit. So fun!

We had hoped for an early bedtime because we had to get up at 6:45 the next morning to get to the airport to fly to Madrid. No such luck. When we were packing, Andrew discovered that his iPhone was missing so we tore apart our bags and the room looking for it. When we were satisfied that it was not in the room we realized that it must have been stolen out of our backpack while on our walking tour a few days before. Andrew called our travel insurance company to ask about coverage and found out that we would have to get the serial number for the phone from Apple and then file a police report with the Rome Police. At midnight, after many frantic phone calls and emails we set out for the police station. Allyson was less than enthusiastic. The first police station we found informed us that they were busy dealing with some prostitutes they had arrested and could not file our report. They directed us to another station, 10 blocks away. In the end we were able to file the report and walk away with a signed and stamp document, but didn’t get back to the hotel until 2am. Let’s just hope things work out with the insurance company!

Travel Blunder: On our first day in Rome we had the option of buying a 3-day metro pass for 11 euros. Andrew was convinced it would be a good investment because Rome looks huge on a map. Our feet can attest: we never used the pass again.

Moment of Misery: While we were on the pub crawl we were hanging out with different groups. As the night wound to a end, Andrew wandered out of the basement bar to look for Allyson on the street outside. Right when he stepped onto the top step he was met with a open palm to the face. He had be forcefully slapped by an angry man. The bouncer held the man back because it seemed as if he wanted to fight some more. Meanwhile, Andrew was standing dumbfounded with a hurt cheek on the top step. As Andrew inched by the bouncer the man was let down into the bar. Everyone outside had seen the entire situation go down. The tourists were shocked and angry while the bouncer and some of the locals seemed unaffected. Due to the fact that this was the first time Andrew had ever been truly hit before in public he decided to ask the bouncer why the man was still let into the club. The bouncer simply responded, “He’s a VIP.” After some further inquiries, Andrew and discovered the he had been slapped by the Roman Chief of Police. That wouldn’t fly in the US. We are still a little unclear on the situation.

Small World #1: In Sorrento we met a nice German couple staying at our campground bit didn’t get to talk much with them. At the Vatican Museum on Thursday amidst the midday crowds we found the Germans again!

Small World #2: When we were looking online at a bar crawl to do in Rome we found a program that looked fun. It had pictures of each night so we looked at the album from the previous week. All of a sudden Allyson was speechless as she pointed to a girl in one of the pictures… it was one of her Kappa sisters from Davis!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quick Hi From Rome

We've been in Rome for the past 3 days and are loving it. The internet is down in our hotel and we are paying too much at the internet cafe to write a full post. We'll try later tonight, if not we will do our last one from Madrid tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 34-36: Sorrento

This is our last night in Sorrento and we finally managed to find Wifi at a bar in town.

We took the train from Florence to Naples on Friday and had the best pizza of our trip in a little Neapolitan bar by the train station. Naples as a city isn’t our favorite, but the food definitely made up for it. We took a metro from Naples to Sorrento, and then a bus to the place we’re staying. It was described to us by a friend as a hostel/campground-type establishment with tents, a swimming pool, coastal access, and lots of young travelers. That description turned out to be close to accurate, but the young travelers are replaced by older, loud, Italian families in RV’s, many of whom have been at the campground for months. Basically, they are the Italian version of rednecks.

Luckily on our first afternoon at the campground we met some young English-speakers. It turned out that there was a tour group of 40 Australians and Canadians staying at the campground for two of our three nights. Their tour guide (an awesome Aussie named Dax) was taking them to a restaurant in town so we decided to tag along. Dinner was great and afterwards we followed the group to a bar for drinks. No one minded us joining in the festivities and we talked to a lot of fun people.

On Saturd
ay we were determined to find a good beach to swim and tan. Allyson consulted her guide book and found a good recommendation within walking distance from our campground. It was a rock beach (as in giant slabs of rock, no pebbles or stones) and ended up being a bit of a hike. We each bought an inflatable raft on the way, which ended up being very useful as pillows. We both fell asleep in the sun for a bit too long and have pink backs to prove it. Luckily we are quickly fading to tan!

We went into Sorrento for dinner that night and ran into on
e of the Canadian couples from the tour group we met- Brad and Stacy. We got drinks by the coast, did some shopping, and then found a fun place for dinner. Midway through our meal we were ambushed by Sorrento’s marching band. They were crazy and dressed in traditional garb. So fun!

Sunday we woke up early to get on a boat tour to Capri. We lathered on the sunscreen and set off for the beautiful island. The boat dropped us off on the island and we had six hours to explore on our own. We took the scenic walk from the marina town up to Capri. It was gorgeous the whole way up! We walked around Capri, looking in all of the ritzy shops and soon decided to keep exploring the island. The highest point on the island is in another city, Annacapri, and involves a 15 minutes chair lift to reach the top. At the top of the lift was an amazing look-out deck with a 360 degree view of the island. There used to be a mansion at the peak, but it has been converted to a bar and restaurant. Andrew was especially jealous of the view from the swimming pool. We ordered a liter of water at the bar and sat with our Kindles and read for an hour. We arrived back at the marina to meet our boat with just enough time to got for a quick swim in the ocean. The water is so warm and clear!

We leave for Rome tomorrow morning- the last stop in our European adventure!

Travel Blunder: While looking for a good beach spot on Saturday we stumbled into a men’s only (possibly homosexual) beach. Andrew was oblivious, but Allyson was very conscious of the thirty men in Speedos giving her strange looks. As we were quickly leaving the area we noticed penises spray-painted onto the rocks. Wish we’d seen those on the way in!

Culture Shock: It's not unusual to see dogs with diapers around here. There is just something not right about that.

Gourmet Moment: At the top of the walk up to Capri there was a stand selling real lemon slushees with fresh orange juice. We shared a large one and immediately regretted it. It was the most delicious and refreshing drink we’ve ever tasted! We got two more on the way down in the afternoon and we could have gone for more. Yum!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 32-33: Florence

On Wednesday we got up early to go to the Uffizi Gallery. It opens at 8:15am so we figured we could show up a few minutes before then and walk right in. Wrong. There were already about 300 people in line ahead of us and because the museum regulates the number of guests inside at any one time, it took us an hour and a half to get in! Once inside, it was all worth it. There were more paintings than we could handle but we made our way to all of the notable ones. Overall, it was awesome!

After the museum we grabbed some pizza and then walked around the Ponte Vecchio. Andrew enjoyed picking out the gaudiest jewelry and offering to buy it for Allyson if she promised to wear it every day for the rest of her life. She was not tempted to take him up on his offer.

That night when dinnertime rolled around we decided that it might be time for some variety. Italian food just wasn’t going to cut it so in the end we chose a Chinese restaurant that we had heard about from someone at the hostel. It was a bit of a gamble but we went for it and the food was delicious!

Thursday morning we decided to give our early museum strategy another shot. We showed up 40 minutes before the Academia Gallery opened and were very pleased with our spots as numbers 6 and 7 in line! When we got in we headed straight for the David statue and were able to admire him in a quiet, empty room. Definitely worth the early wake-up!

Our STA travel agent, Kara, from Davis happened to be in Florence today, staying

in our same hostel so we met up with her and a friend she is traveling with. Kara is no stranger to Italy so we let her lead the way as the four of us looked for a place for lunch. She found us a cute little restaurant tucked away on a side street and it was delicious! Plenty of homemade pastas and tasty pizzas.

We spent the afternoon in the leather markets (again) and Allyson enjoyed shopping with other girls. We didn’t do a whole lot today, but it was relaxing and enjoyable- like a vacation should be!

We hung out at the terrace bar at our hostel for happy hour and were excited to find that tonight’s drink special was sangria. Nothing compared to what Allyson can expect in Spain, but still great. The four of us found a restaurant close by for dinner and got some great meat. Kara’s dinner won- seared steak with a white truffle sauce!

Packing all of our new treasured into our packs tonight was a little tricky, but Andrew’s knack for packing made it happen. It’s just one of those Tight skills. Off to Sorrento in the morning!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More Pictures...

Us enjoying our Florentine steak!

Gosh Andrew is sexy in his new jacket!

This window used to be open until a man jumped out of it and killed a member of the Di Medici Family. They family immediately stoned up the window. It has been covered for over 500 years. Andrew is reenacting the fateful jump.

Our bike tour through Florence.

Us enjoying a beautiful view of Florence. You can see the famous Duomo in the background.