The Travelers

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 25: Last Day in Bologna

Today was a pretty relaxing day. We started our morning by stuffing ourselves at the hotel breakfast… Andrew has become a coffee machine master. We took the bus into town and checked out the Archeological Museum. The Egyptian exhibit was really cool… and air-conditioned. We went upstairs to the Roman exhibit where we quickly lost interest due to the lack of AC. I guess that shows our dedication to the arts…

On our map we saw a big green area that we decided to check out. It turned out to be a large park complete with a pond, turtles, and many sun-bathers. We joined in the fun with our Kindles and relaxed for a few hours.

We spent the afternoon shopping (trying on weird clothes and playing with mannequins). We had an early dinner and brought the ingredients for panaches back to the hotel (beer and lemon soda). It was the perfect end to a pretty peaceful day.

Gourmet Moment: Since our hotel is out of the city center, we have been wanting to eat early dinners so that we can get back here before dark. Unfortunately, very few restaurants open their kitchens before 7:30 so we haven’t had a lot of variety. Il Calice has had the pleasure of serving us for three of our four nights in Bologna. Between the two of us we’ve tried six things on the menu. They’ve all been delicious! (Andrew’s favorite: homemade cheese tortellini in a cream sauce with asparagus and prosciutto)

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