The Travelers

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 27: More Venice

Today was our only full day in Venice, so Allyson planned a scenic walking tour to go the long way to Piazza San Marcos. About a third of the way through our walk, it began to rain. And when we say rain, we mean dump. We were in a residential part of town at the time so there was nothing to do but run from doorway to doorway in an attempt to stay dry. Andrew would run ahead as the scout and call to Allyson to follow when he had found a good spot. It didn’t work. We were soaked through by the time we found a restaurant to duck into for a cup of coffee. We booked it to San Marcos as soon as the rain let up. Andrew was an expert navigator today, though he made most of it up as we went along.

It was 2pm by the time we found civilization again and we were ready for some lunch. It started to rain again so we slipped into the first indoor restaurant that we came to. Worst. Lunch. Ever. (see below)

We decided to make our way back to the hostel and did some touristy shopping along the way. We had dinner at our hostel and spent the evening dry and warm talking with a guy from Sonora County and a group of Brazilians.

Moment of Misery: Lunch today was a bit of a disaster. We ran into a restaurant to escape the rain and were greeted by the scowl of a waitress. We considered leaving but Allyson didn’t want to face the rain so we sat down. Pizza was the only affordable thing on the menu so we each picked one. After awhile our food came out and it looked less than appetizing. Andrew took the first bite and declared that it was a partially reheated frozen pizza. Allyson tentatively looked at what was supposed to be her pepperoni pizza but after a bit of poking realized that it was an anchovy paste pizza. Eww! We sent back Allyson’s pizza and told them not to bring a replacement. Andrew was so hungry that he ate his whole pizza as Allyson looked on with disgust. When the bill came we had been charged for both pizzas, a 6 euro cover charge, and a 3 euro service charge… our total was 24 euro for the worst food of our trip. We refused to pay for the pizza we sent back, but still paid 17 euros. Andrew felt sick for the next few hours, and we couldn’t help but dwell on what a waste of money our “lunch” was.

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