The Travelers

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 41: Madrid and Goodbye

We only had a few hours in Madrid and we didn’t do too much. Allyson needed a nap after our late night yesterday so we really only made it out for dinner. Tomorrow morning we head back to the airport so Andrew can fly back to San Francisco and Allyson can meet up with her group for Granada.

We have had the most amazing trip and cannot believe that 6 weeks have flown past. We had been so many places, done so many things, and made so many memories. Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible for us- we will remember it for the rest of our lives!

Gourmet Moment: We wanted to make sure the last meal of our trip was a good one so we asked at our hotel for suggestions. The concierge told us about a famous restaurant nearby that is supposedly the oldest restaurant in the world! It is called Botin and was founded in 1725- we couldn’t resist. Andrew wanted to take Allyson out for an early birthday dinner so we decided to go for it. The dining room was in the cellar and it was all very romantic. We ordered some sangria, started with gazpacho, and then had breaded veal (Allyson) and sirloin steak (Andrew). Besides the amazing meal at the restaurant near Florence, this was the best food of the trip!

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