The Travelers

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 4: Bath

Slept in this morning and took a leisurely stroll down into the town of Bath. We spent the morning in the Roman Baths, listening to audio commentary by Bill Bryson! Bath proved once again to be a quaint little town when we returned to a shop to find Allyson’s water bottle sitting right on the counter where we lost it yesterday. On the way back to the crescent we stopped at the Fashion Museum to check it out. Saw an exhibit on the dresses of Princess Diana and Allyson got to try on a corset! Andrew refused… he’s no fun.

Travel Blunder
: Nothing stupid today! Maybe we’re starting to get the hang of this…

Culture Shock
: We went to the post office to mail a letter to our travel agent and were confused at the end of the transaction when the teller asked if we wanted our advice. We realized later at an ATM when our receipt came out of the “Advice Slip” slot that the post office lady was, in fact, just doing her job and not trying to be a life coach.

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