The Travelers

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 1: London

SFO to London- Check! Easiest flight of our lives. Through security in 20 minutes, roomy seats on the plane, not a child in sight. We were wandering around Heathrow before we knew it searching for somewhere to store Allyson’s HUGE extra bag. Finally reached the Drake family’s flat (after a ride on the underground and after searching high and low for British street signs). The flat is amazing! Great location, everything we need- we’re starting our trip the spoiled way. We spent the rest of the day exploring the Kensington neighborhood on foot and got to check out the Natural History Museum and Hyde Park. Ended the evening with some authentic fish ‘n chips in a classic British pub (the Goat’s Head!).

Travel Blunder: Find yourself a map of your destination city BEFORE you arrive. Expecting one to materialize in your hands when needed is a bit optimistic.

Random Sighting: Fellow Davisonian wandering the streets of London… small world!

Culture Shock: Look RIGHT.

1 comment:

  1. You're there! Hyde Park...that was great jogging. Catriona's sister (?) got married in Kensington Palace in H Park while I was there. We peered over the fence and they called us "commoners!" Churchill's Underground Museum is amazing.
